KAAVINSARJA 9 osaa Sealey

Toimitusaikaa kotiin 3-4tp
Lisää ostoskoriin
ID-numero: 24360
Koodi: SEA AK5209
Brändi: Sealey
Sealey AK5209 Scraper & Hook Set 9pc (Comes with extra AK867)
käytetään letkujen, tiiviste yms. poistossa
Four short picks with knurled, satin finish teräs shafts.
Four long picks and one scraper with black finished teräs shafts.
sopii pin/clip picking, hose removal and tiiviste scraping.
Ergonomically styled handles for comfort, grip and accuracy.
Lengths 165mm and 260mm.

Contents: Picks 165 & 260mm; Straight, Right Angle, Half-Round, Swan Neck, Scraper 260 x 25mm
Total Shipping paino: 1.35kg