Toptul pihdit ketjulla, pituus 450mm

Toimitusaikaa kotiin 3-4tp
Lisää ostoskoriin
ID-numero: 106414
Koodi: DMAB1A18
Brändi: Toptul
vahva kroommolübdeenisulamist teräksestä kahva
ammattikäyttöön soveltuva lämpökäsitelty ja masintöödeldud
säädettävät lukkopihdit suunnittelu ketiklamber
nikkelöity viimeistely
ketjun pituus 18"
kahva 9"


Brand is essential to its positioning. TOPTUL brand name was made from the abbreviation of "TOP TOOL". In order to have the product values transforming into brand values, TOPTUL product position is focused on the premium quality and services. For over a decade,

TOPTUL production line has devoted itself to the growth of tooling industry. The insistent belief of "Manufacturing the Best Tools" has inspired TOPTUL production team to develop its ability to generate innovative product. TOPTUL unique manufacturing experience and advance manufacturing processes and technology have resulted not just in efficient professional tool production, but more importantly the highest quality tools you will find and trust today.